Thursday 7.27.23

Francis Lee For time: 45 kettlebell swings 400-m run 35 kettlebell swings 800-m run 25 kettlebell swings 1,200-m run 15 kettlebell swings @ 70/53# WOD Guidance A fun KB and running workout with an inverse ladder rep/run scheme going on. The KB reps go down as run...

Wednesday 7.26.25

Open Workout 19.1 AMRAP 15:00 19 wall-ball shots @ 20/14# 19-cal. row WOD Guidance A classic CrossFit Open workout that invites tons of intensity. Choose a wall ball loading that will allow for unbroken sets most of the way through this one, and choose a row pace...

Tuesday 7.25.23

Thomas Jefferson Shoulder press 1-1-1-1-1 reps Push press 3-3-3-3-3 reps Push jerk 5-5-5-5-5 reps WOD Guidance A heavy day today focused entirely on upper body pressing variants. Today we’re working all three types of shoulder to overhead, working singles on the...

Monday 7.24.23

The Man in the Red Bandana AMRAP in 19 minutes 5 Thrusters (135/95 lb) 17 Front Rack Lunges (135/95 lb) 77 Double-Unders 200.1 meter run WOD Guidance  Today we have a 9/11 memorial workout honoring Welles Crowther aka The Man in the Red Bandana. This workout is a...

Sunday 7.23.23

Sunday Funday Sunday Funday 10 rounds 200m run 1000/800m bike WOD Guidance A fun aerobic piece that is all about pacing. We’re looking for consistent splits here and consistent paces on both the runs and the bike. The bike time should be roughly double the run...