Saturday 7.22.23

Stephen Hopkins 3 rounds 800m run 50 push ups 30 KB swings @ 53/35# WOD Guidance This is a fun little “grind” today. It should feel smooth, but the push ups will start to add up. Break these up smart from the beginning and preserve that pressing to keep...

Friday 7.21.23

William Hopper 3 rounds 30 wall balls @ 20/14# 30 box jumps @ 24/20” WOD Guidance  Short, simple, and oh so devastating. A little bit of movement redundancy here to make you question some life choices. Wall balls should be at a load that allows 2 sets or better each...

Thursday 7.20.23

Joseph Hewes Three 4-minute intervals of: 21-calorie row Then, as many rounds as possible of: 7 deadlifts @ 225/155# 14 sit-ups REST 4:00 between rounds   WOD Guidance Today we have a fun interval style workout that will challenge our posterior chain and midline. The...

Wednesday 7.19.23

John Hart AMRAP 15:00 50 box step-ups @ 24/20” 50 pull-ups 40 lunges 40 burpees 30 toes-to-bars 30 push-ups Max-reps ring muscle-ups WOD Guidance A fun take on a chipper style workout – and not a barbell in sight. Descending rep scheme should allow us to keep a...

Tuesday 7.18.23

Benjamin Harrison 10 rounds for quality of: 5 front squats @ 205/145# 5 strict handstand push-ups WOD Guidance Today we have a strength day for both a barbell squat and a strict handstand push up. The goal here is quality, so choose a loading on the front squat that...