Tuesday 8.1.23

Apple Every 2:00 x 6 sets 3 push press AMRAP 10:00 10 handstand push-ups 20/15 calorie row WOD Guidance Today we have a heavy + workout option all focusing on shoulder pressing strength and capacity. Our lift focuses on heavy 3’s and our workout is a short AMRAP...

Monday 7.31.23

Burden Run For Time 800m run 800m run @ 25/15# 800m run @ 35/25# 800m run @ 45/35# WOD Guidance Today we have a twist on a CrossFit Games event that was a ruck run. For us, we’ll be carrying weight plates. Each 800m you’ll drop your lighter plate and grab...

Sunday 7.30.23

Sunday Funday Every 6:00 x 5 rounds 750m row 1500m bike erg Rest remainder of 6:00 WOD Guidance An active recovery / aerobic pace to cruise through today. Longer distances on machines to give a chance to either flush, or really work on dialing in a pace. The goal is...

Friday 7.27.23

Robert Paine 12-9-6 reps for quality: Power cleans @ 225/155# Muscle-ups WOD Guidance Today we have a heavy and high skill day with some relatively low reps. Power clean loading should be heavy and allow for singles on the bar, but no real chance of missing. The ring...