Monday 3.6.23

One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish For Quality Perform as “Giant Sets” 10 Front Squat 15 Strict Pull-ups 10 Front Squat 12 Strict Pull-ups 10 Front Squat 9 Strict Pull-ups 10 Front Squat 6 Strict Pull-ups 10 Front Squat 3 Strict Pull-ups Rest as needed between...

Sunday 3.5.23

Sunday Funday Every 1:30 x 12 rounds 1. 20/15 calorie row 2. 15/10 calorie ski 3. 15 burpees Workout Guidance: Today we have a fun EMOM style workout with three different stations to rotate through. We’re aiming to have roughly :30 or so of rest each round, so...

Saturday 3.4.23

My Many Colored Days AMRAP 30:00 Teams of 3 3 toes to bar 6 KB swings, 53/35# 9 KB goblet squats, 53/35# 12/10 calorie bike *teammates complete a full round and then rotate Workout Guidance: Closing out this week with another fun team of 3 workout. This one is done as...

Friday 3.3.23

CrossFit Open 23.3 Prior to 6:00 complete: 5 wall walks 50 double-unders 15 snatches, 95/65# 5 wall walks 50 double-unders 12 snatches, 135/95# Prior to 9:00 complete: 20 strict handstand push-ups 50 double-unders 9 snatches, 185/125# Prior to 12:00 complete: 20...