
Cheiftian AMRAP 3 x 5 3 Deadlifts @ 275/185 6 Pushups 9 Air Squats Rest 1 min Workout Guidance: A fun spin on the workout The Chief. While it is a heavier deadlift we are still looking for an unbroken set of 3 every time we touch the bar. Consider using a box or band...


2K Row For Time: 2k Row Workout Guidance: A nice and simple AMRAP to close out the week. Some heavier KB swings and relatively high rep box jumps, this should feel like mixed modal aerobic work – moving at a steady pace throughout. Maintain your rower pace from...


Sunday Funday Every 5:00 x 4 rounds 400m run 20 burpee box jump over @ 24/20″ Workout Guidance: Simple, not easy. Run and burpee BJO at a pace that is steady and consistent. We’re aiming for roughly :60-:90 of rest each round, so adjust running distances...


Caffe Macchiato AMRAP 20:00 500m row 15 KB swing @ 70/53# 25 box jumps@ 24/20” Workout Guidance: A nice and simple AMRAP to close out the week. Some heavier KB swings and relatively high rep box jumps, this should feel like mixed modal aerobic work – moving at a...


Flat White For time: 100 double-unders 50 weighted sit-ups 100-ft handstand walk 50 weighted sit-ups 100 double-unders Workout Guidance: Today, we have a fun gymnastics challenge again – this time getting inverted. Choose a jump rope option that will allow you...