
Thruster Waves
Min 1 – 3 Thrusters
Min 2 – 2 Thrusters
Min 3 – 1 Thruster
Repeat x 3


For Time:
25 DB/KB Thruster (35s/20s)
400 Meter Run
25 Chest to Bar Pull-ups
400 Meter Run
25 DB/KB Thruster (35s/20s)

Post Loads and Times to Comments.

WOD Guidance
Thrusters are taken from the ground.
Weights should be on the heavier side.
For the metcon let it fly!
Go light and fast.

Question of the Day
What’s your favorite yard game?
So many options!
How you pick just one!?!?!

Box Brief
Tomorrow is Bring a Friend Day!