Presenting Andy, your beer mile champ!

5 rounds of:
400m Run/400m Row/800m Bike
30 Box Jumps @ 24/20
30 Wall Balls @ 20/14

Workout Guidance
Kelly is one of the OG “long” CrossFit workouts. As TILT members, we go long all the time, so even though this might look intimidating on paper, you’re prepared for it. Our goal today should be to make all of our rounds look as similar as possible. This means running at the same speed, using the same cadence on box jumps, and breaking up our wall balls the same way. One good trick to wrap your head around this idea is to imagine what your fifth round is going to look like, thinking about how you’ll feel and how you’ll react, then making your first round look as much like that as possible.

Question of the Day
What’s the greatest rivalry of all time?

Overhead Strength and Mobility Seminar – Saturday Nov. 6th @ 8am-9am @ TILT Sudbury
Click HERE for all details.

Mindset Seminar w/ Coach Rachel – Sunday, November 14th – Click HERE for all details
Join Coach Rachel Binette as she details the what, why, and how of working on mindset for sport and for life. Mindset is the least trained modality of our fitness, and it’s the most powerful. Participants will learn the Mindset Rx’d methodology to assess and to train their mindset effectively and efficiently.