Costume contest winner Dean, dressed as Max, featuring free f***ing water!

Heavy Grace
For time:
30 Clean and Jerks

Workout Guidance
Today is all about picking the correct weight. For traditional Grace, we’re looking for a barbell that we cycle for quick sets of multiple repetitions. Heavy Grace involves everyone doing quick singles on the barbell throughout the workout, shooting to be done in the 5-8 minute time domain. A good skill to practice during this workout is the rebounding push jerk. In other words, going directly from the catch position of the power clean into the drive of the push jerk. Using this approach will reduce the time that we spend under tension and allow us to rep out the clean and jerks more efficiently.

Question of the Day
What’s the best Thanksgiving side dish?

Overhead Strength and Mobility Seminar – Saturday Nov. 6th @ 8am-9am @ TILT Sudbury
Click HERE for all details.

TILT Holiday Party- Saturday, December 18th @ 6pm-12pm – Click HERE for all details.

Mindset Seminar w/ Coach Rachel – Sunday, November 14th – Click HERE for all details
Join Coach Rachel Binette as she details the what, why, and how of working on mindset for sport and for life. Mindset is the least trained modality of our fitness, and it’s the most powerful. Participants will learn the Mindset Rx’d methodology to assess and to train their mindset effectively and efficiently.