
Randall Boggs
Box Jump @ 24/20
KBS @ 70/53
Row Cals

WOD Guidance
Pick a heavier weight on the KB today
Don’t blow it up on your round of 10’s

Question of the Day
WOD names are now Pixar characters… What is you spirit Pixar character?
(similar to a spirit animal but we are going Pixar characters)

Box Brief
This month we are recognizing Reem as CrossFit TILT Waltham’s September Member of the Month! Reem joined TILT this past summer and has shown notable enthusiasm and dedication at our evening classes. Her commitment to learn and grow as an athlete has made her extremely coachable and has led to some huge progress! Anyone who takes class with Reem can tell how much heart and hard work she brings to each class and workout. As we have watched Reem crush some goals we know there is much more to come! Keep crushing it Reem! We couldn’t be more proud of your devotion and progress!

If you don’t know Reem, here are her answers to our Member of the Month questions!

How long have you been doing CrossFit and how did you start?
Almost 3 months, my husband had taken some classes with our friend Paul Murphy and told me I would love the camaraderie and community at TILT and he was so right!

What do you do when you’re not at TILT?
I’m a chemist, I spend most of my days running reactions trying to develop more efficient ways to synthesize medicines. For fun, traveling is my absolute favorite, earlier this summer I traveled to Thailand and it was one of the most amazing experiences of my life. But on a day to day basis I enjoy volleyball, reading, and writing. I also love hanging out/ jogging by the Charles and exploring the Boston food scene.

What is something most of TILT doesn’t know about you?
I’m half Saudi, grew up in both Egypt and Saudi Arabia until I was 16, and speak Arabic fluently.

Have you had a favorite moment at TILT?
I have 2, when Kat taught us how to climb the rope and I was actually able to get most of the way up, I felt like an absolute badass. The second was after I had a meltdown during a team workout out of frustration struggling with cleans and my team and Kat rallied around me to cheer me up. Afterwards, Lindsay and I had a heart-to-heart where she helped build me back up.  I knew after that experience that the community at TILT was so special and I was so happy to be a part of it.

Most importantly, now that you have the Member of the Month belt, what would your walkout song be?
Make yourself, Incubus.