
Cruise Control
:50 On/:10 Off x 10
:40 On/:20 Off x 10
:30 On/:30 Off x 10

WOD Guidance
On these intervals, we want to start off conservative, keeping in mind that the first ten rounds we have very little rest. As we continue to move through this workout, we’ll be able to push the pace more because of the increased rest. One intriguing option is to do shuttle runs instead of being on the machine. These are an awesome variant if you’ve never tried them!

Question of the Day
Who’s your childhood celebrity crush?

Mindset Seminar w/ Coach Rachel – Sunday, November 14th – Click HERE for all details
Join Coach Rachel Binette as she details the what, why, and how of working on mindset for sport and for life. Mindset is the least trained modality of our fitness, and it’s the most powerful. Participants will learn the Mindset Rx’d methodology to assess and to train their mindset effectively and efficiently.