
Cement Shoes
OT3M x 7
400m Run/400m Row/800m Bike
12 Bodyweight Deadlifts

Workout Guidance
This is a play on the classic workout “Cement mixer.” In this format, the goal is to keep our round times consistent. This consistency is largely a function of doing our runs at the same pace throughout, as well as keeping our deadlifts unbroken. When we’re picking our weight today, the bodyweight deadlift can serve as a good starting point, but above all we should pick something that allows us to go unbroken the whole time in the workout. For the run, we should pick a distance that we can complete in under 2 minutes every round.

Question of the Day
What’s a lie your parents told you that you believed for way too long?

TILT Holiday Party- Saturday, December 18th @ 6pm-12pm – Click HERE for all details.

Mindset Seminar w/ Coach Rachel – Sunday, November 14th – Click HERE for all details
Join Coach Rachel Binette as she details the what, why, and how of working on mindset for sport and for life. Mindset is the least trained modality of our fitness, and it’s the most powerful. Participants will learn the Mindset Rx’d methodology to assess and to train their mindset effectively and efficiently.