
Nasty Girls
3 rounds of:
50 Air Squats
7 Muscle Ups
10 Hang Power Cleans @ 135/95

Workout Guidance
Today we’re getting after an OG CrossFit Benchmark. This one involves a high skill movement, a low skill movement, and a moderately loaded barbell. We’re looking to cycle through rounds relatively quickly here, so choose a muscle up option that will allow for 1-2 sets and a barbell load that will allow for ideally 1 set but no more than 2 sets.

News and Announcements
TILT Rowathon – Saturday, Feb 11th @ 8:00am – Click HERE for all details!
4th Annual Affiliate Cup starts February 17th! Click HERE for all details.
Pop Up Yoga Class – Sunday 1/29 @ 8am-9am in Waltham